The massive blaze in a high rise in Mumbai that killed seven people and injured 18 others was caused apparently by a blast in an air-conditioner.
Nikita Puri introduces the Indian teenager who has joined the league of innovators with celestial bodies named after them.
Your shoes can tell a lot about you. So make sure that you have at least one pair of each type mentioned below that goes well with almost every dress and occasion.
The froth spilled over to a road adjacent to the lake, causing hindrance to traffic movement.
'Crap cannons' can be an effective mob-control weapon.
Sheetal Bidaye, an avid biker for more than 20 years now, offers solutions to problem of women bikers
Masterchef George Calombaris shares food secrets, his love for Indian cuisine and more..
They say if you really need to get a feel of vibrant India, head to Vrindavan during Holi
A selection of musings from around the cricket World Cup.
If Han Kang wrote only about cruelty and suffering, readers might respect her writings and her conscience, but her novels would not be as loved as they are by readers across the world, says Nilanjana Roy
15 Cool Toys That Get Your Kid's Brain Ticking
In the wake of the tragic death of late Australian cricketer Phillip Hughes, a British-based firm has come forth with its reformed prototype helmet aimed at giving better protection for the players.
Today, half the lakes in Bengaluru are encroached upon.
The vanishing spray used by referees to mark the 10 yards distance between a free kick and the defensive wall of players made its debut at World Cup level in Thursday's opening game between Brazil and Croatia.
A car without brakes, accelerators or steering wheel - a driverless car is indeed a dream come true.
A workout plan for an hour or so, six days a week can help you get a lean, muscular body with washboard abs.
Every year, undergraduates in the Saint Andrews University, the oldest of the four ancient universities of Scotland, take part in a 600-year-old tradition called the Raisin Weekend.
A day after the Bharatiya Janata Party emerged as the single largest party in Maharashtra, Shiv Sena on Monday took a swipe at Narendra Modi, saying the "wave" seen during the campaign lost its force even before reaching the shores and expressed doubts over survival of the state amid a hung House.
It is time we support Dipa Karmakar and not forget her by the time Tokyo Olympics roll in, the way we've forgotten so many others -- medal winners who have died in penury, who have had to sell their medals to survive, who have taken auto-rickshaws home from the airport. It is time that talent, and not money, decided who gets to be nominated into the International Olympic Committee.
Weekly digest of the craziest stories from around the world.
In Their Shoes is heartwarming, says Sukanya Verma.
Traumatised by a four-day long ordeal in a submerged indoor stadium in Srinagar, over 200 students now rescued by the army cursed state government for false assurances but give credit of their survival to the teachers.
All investors are value investors. Or they at least like to believe this. So let us see why VI is so difficult to achieve, even though philosophically it is easy to understand.
The Beast goes wherever the United States president travels. So whether of not Barack Obama follows protocol and hops into his Indian counterpart Pranab Mukherjee's ride to head out for the Republic Day parade, the potently-luxurious limousine will be around the corner.
Once a bountiful water body, years of neglect, rampant encroachment and dumping of untreated sewage and industrial waster has virtually turned Bellandur lake into a large septic tank.
Students in Scotland's St Andrews University took part in the annual 'foam party' in St Salvador's Quad over the weekend during the Raisin Day celebrations.
We present a collection of the best photographs clicked across the globe in the last 48 hours!
The flight with about 70 passengers on board left Chennai around 7.30 am and when it was about to land around 8:25 am, smoke was noticed from one of its engines.
In India, there is still a long way for Old Spice.
Did you know Turmeric Latte or Haldi Doodh is trending abroad?
Five trips where getting there is where the fun is
Warning: Crocs and similar kinds of footwear can cause severe foot problems.
Child counsellor Rupal Patel has a few parenting tips for mommies. Read on to learn how to handle your kids.